Illinois National Emergency Number Association

INENA improves 9-1-1 through research, standards development, training, education, outreach, and advocacy.

INENA improves 9-1-1 through research, standards development, training, education, outreach, and advocacy.

November 2021 Legislative Update

The two Chapter Executive Boards have spent hours working with the Joint Legislative Committee to review and provide suggestions and comments on Parts 1324 and 1327 to be submitted to ISP prior to their due date of December 6th. To provide membership a summary of the suggested changes and comments, a joint membership meeting has been scheduled for December 2nd at 12:30pm, due to the ISP's short comment period and the holiday season the meeting will conclude at 2:00pm.

The goal of this meeting is to share the existing comments and suggestions of the two boards and the Joint Legislative Committee, so that membership can provide email comments and suggestions to be considered prior to the submission of INENA and IL APCO's comments to the ISP.

Please forward your comments, suggested changes, or additions via email to Glenna Johnson on behalf of the two associations. Comments are welcome prior to this scheduled Zoom presentation but must be submitted by noon on December 6th to be included in our submission to the ISP. Glenna Johnson has graciously accepted the request to continue as the scribe for the administrative rule changes. You are also free to submit your comments to ISP individually as well.

Note: Draft copies of Parts 1324 and 1327 are available on both chapter websites and by request through Glenna Johnson.

Meeting Agenda


Shelley Dallas – INENA President Brent Reynolds – IL APCO President

NENA Center Training Officer (CTO) Program

test text


In our PSAPS, people are our most important resource. The NENA Center Training Officer (CTO) Program provides you with the proper framework to train your new employees , which leads to better performance and higher retention rates. NENA is offering this class in the Dekalb, Illinois November 16th-18th, 2021.

Dear Chapter Leaders,

Attached (CLICK HERE) you will find a letter that describes the legislative language released yesterday (October 28th, 2021) regarding funding for NG9-1-1. The legislation is the Build Back Better legislative framework. This was originally budgeted at $3.5 Trillion and has now been reduced to $1.5 trillion. As you have heard in the news, many programs in the original proposal have been eliminated and the remaining items have been substantially reduced. Of course, NENA will continue to advocate for full funding for NG9-1-1. This effort will likely require additional legislation.

Any questions please direct them to NENA’s Government Affairs Director Dan Henry at

Thank you,

Anna Marie

Anna Marie Batt | Special Projects Director

NENA: The 9-1-1 Association

202.466.4911 (main) | 202.618.4402 (direct) | 614.580.4911 (mobile)

Be The Difference Conference & Expo

The Denise Amber Lee Foundation is excited to host their first-ever Conference and Expo in Myrtle Beach, SC, January 30-February 2, 2022.

A Letter from

Dan Henry,

NENA’s Director of Government Affairs


Chapter Leaders and Board Members,

Late last night, the House Energy & Commerce Committee passed language in its budget-reconciliation recommendations (as part of the Build Back Better Act) that would authorize $10B for a federal Next Generation 9-1-1 grant program. NENA participated heavily in the development of this language, and is proud to support the Committee’s recommendation. You can find the full text of the recommendation here.

What’s next? The Energy & Commerce Committee’s recommendations (of which NG9-1-1 is just one of many) will go to the House Budget Committee for further consideration. Upon passage out of the Budget Committee, the recommendations will then be reviewed by the House Rules Committee and, if passed there, will go to the floor for a vote by the entire House of Representatives.

Of course, the Senate must also introduce similar budget reconciliation recommendations. We are currently working with Senate staff on their recommendations, and will keep you updated on that quickly evolving situation.

How can you help? If you have a relationship with your Democratic Member of Congress, call them today and tell them to support NG9-1-1 funding in budget reconciliation! While our chances at federal NG9-1-1 grant funds have never been better, Congress still needs to hear from us! Opposition to the budget reconciliation recommendations largely involves the criticism that the entire package is too expensive. Thus, compromise means shrinking — or even cutting completely — programs in the reconciliation recommendations. We must tell Congress that America cannot wait for NG9-1-1 and we cannot afford to cut NG9-1-1 from the budget-reconciliation package.

What should we tell Congress?

  • America needs at least $10B in federal funding to ensure a complete nationwide transition to Next Generation 9-1-1;

  • NG9-1-1 will allow 9-1-1 to natively support today’s smartphones, IoT devices, and intelligent alarms to create more robust, user-friendly, lifesaving connections to emergency services;

  • NG9-1-1 will promote seamless interoperability among states, cities, and field-responder agencies, allowing for transfer of information anywhere it’s needed, at a moment’s notice; and

  • NG9-1-1 will improve 9-1-1’s resiliency, flexibility, and adaptability in the face of natural disasters, cyberattacks, and other failures of telecommunications infrastructure.

With your help, we can get NG9-1-1 funding through Congress and signed into law!

Dan Henry

Director, Government Affairs

National Emergency Number Association

Reclassification of Public Safety Telecommunicators

August 17th, 2021

Since the 911 Saves Act of 2021 (H.R. 2351) was reintroduced by Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) on April 1st, over 30 members of Congress have signed on as cosponsors of the bill, bringing the total to more than 80. A Senate companion bill (S. 1175) has also been introduced by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC).

Now is the time to urge our members of Congress to cosponsor the 911 SAVES Act, and we need your help. Please help us advocate for this change by sharing the letter below with your local Representative/Senator. (Make sure you personalize the yellow fields; it is generic so you can type in your own information).

INENA and IL APCO have been working very closely with our legislative consultant as well  other parties concerning both HB 2784 - Mental Health Legislative Update and HB3702 - Emergency Telephone System Act Update . 

COVID-19 Resources

Stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 resources for NENA members, chapters, and the greater 9-1-1 community. Grants, discounts, education, protocols, and more…


Learn about INENA

The Illinois Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association (INENA) is comprised of public safety professionals throughout Illinois whose mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability, and implementation of the universal emergency number 9-1-1 in the State of Illinois. Illinois NENA is one of 48 chapters of the National Emergency Number Association.

Upcoming Events


“As we continue to lead the transition to #NG911 technologies, it's imperative that we elevate 9-1-1 professionals’ knowledge of #cybersecurity issues,” said NENA President Gary Bell. Our latest partnership with @CISecurity will do just that (and more)!”

— @911NENA911, twitter